Thread: Drone Talk
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      04-08-2016, 09:30 PM   #8
Mr Tonka
is probably out riding.
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Originally Posted by RJ_
Originally Posted by The Wind Breezes View Post
I flew RC collective pitch helos for a little while. It wasn't too hard to learn since they have a gyro to provide artificial stability for yaw. A conventional helo like a t-rex 450 or 650 is the way to go over those "drones". The single overhead blade is more efficient than a multicopter, PLUS you can land them with a full engine failure.
I would be scared of average Joe flying one of those!

Also, I appreciate the "drones' in quotes. UAV, UAS, RPA, RC aircraft, quad/multi-copter are all preferable to drone. The military is autonomously landing on aircraft carriers and they don't even use the term. Consider me peeved.
I had a TRex 450 and much prefer the DJI 550 for cinematography. This is what's left of my air fleet.

That combat wing will do over 100mph in a dive.
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