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      04-09-2016, 06:49 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by GuidoK View Post
Yes and so should ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, mclaren etc etc......ahem
It's a design philosophy. You can either design a car the way you like it and leave the number plate 'secondary' (its ugly anyway, wherever you put it), or you can let the design be leaded by the numberplate. It's a choice most people (here at least) dont seem to understand (but luckily all the great italian design houses do!)

But as everyone dreams and oooohs and aaaahs at the sight of a ferraris, lambos etc etc, there has to be said something for it dont you think?
I'm not a Ferrari or Lamborghini guy. Never was, never will be. Now Porsche, that is a different story.

That being said, you are speaking of exotics. The Alfas above are your bog standard daily beaters.
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