Originally Posted by GuidoK
What I'm trying to say is that it depends on the design if an off centered license plate is ugly or not.
Having the license plate on a different place offers nice possibilities to make a stunning design. (that's why I said 'done right')
I'm not defending alfa as a brand, I'm pointing out that those cars look good despite of their off center license plate.
Ok, a discussion in taste is pointless (and thus this topic is), but alfa's are pretty renowend to be very goodlooking daily drivercars by most car critics and none speak of that the licenseplate location ruins everything...(in fact alfa has a very long history in putting licenseplates off center, as that grille design and a split front bumper goes back over 50 years I think)
I can imagine that not being familiar with alfa's it might seem odd and the usual human reaction is that it is therefore wrong (it takes an enlightend personality to see something without prejudice), but I havent met a lot of people from Belgium that think Alfa's look ugly (terrible was the word you used I think..). It's usually considered their strong point.
Putting them side by side with a contemporary american car of the same market segment (so no exotics or sportscars etc) after almost 20 years shows that
When I said "that looks terrible", I was referring to the off-centered plate as this is what the thread is about.