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      04-27-2016, 12:24 AM   #131
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Interesting thread... It amuses me that this turned from a story that BMWi lost some of it's important execs to how BMWi is superior to Tesla due to it being a "fledgling" company with productions woes, that the American taxpayer will support.

There will be no bailout should Tesla fail. If they do their stock will tank and it will be sold off to the highest bidder, GM or Ford I'd imagine. The US government has clearly shown, via the financial sector, that it will not be put in a place to give out bankruptcy prevention loans in the future. The level of ostentatious and nature of political comments from a BMW rep on a forum confounds me. Tell me what else do you know about our future?

P.S. kudos for the Bern on the socialist comments for President... pun intended

BMW CCA Member# 481791
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