Just wanted to throw out there, that jokes aside, I've worked around high power RF transmitters ranging from HF to SHF, I'm familiar with the health hazards of radiation. First of all I highly doubt the radiation emitting from the cars is of the ionizing type, just non-ionizing radiation. That's an important distinction, as the health effects of non-ionizing radiation exposure are limited as where ionizing radiation can cause things like sickness and cancer. The list OP provided does feel like it was pulled from the OSHA handbook on RF radiation exposure, though keep in mind to be affected by non-ionizing radiation to a degree that was stated by OP you'd pretty much be have to be sitting inside a radar dish or a waveguide for a high powered satellite communications, simultaneously, while they're at max power. If the EMFs generated in our cars was enough to make someone sick either a)they're hypersensitive to radiation (uncommon) or b)they read about EMF exposure online or on TV via some alarmist story telling, Googled the issue and found sides who push the same misinfo and now placebo themselves into getting sick (more common)
To all those irrationally worried about this, including shutting down wifi at night: Never go near an airport, a military base, a cell phone tower, power lines...hell, just stop going outside. Actually, better yet, go outside, just throw out all your electronics, burns your house and car down and live out in the woods. But wait, the sun! That's one of the biggest pushers of radiation! Better go underground with the mole people! BUT WAIT! Radon, deadly, deadly radon. Well I'm out of ideas, might as well just keep living life as normal instead of stressing over nothing.