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      05-10-2016, 09:17 AM   #27446
Lieutenant General
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Drives: 2015 BMW i8, E63 M6, 328d
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Southeast United States

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2016 M4 GTS (Allotted)  [0.00]
2013 BMW 328d  [0.00]
2007 BMW M6  [10.00]
2015 BMW i8  [10.00]
Originally Posted by shoei View Post
Whoa... What do you mean, "ethically"??! Drug dealers and other unscrupulous individuals are people too... Don't discriminate, there are valuable lessons for verbiage to learn from them as well... How much weight is needed to move to make it worthwhile in paying off border patrol of other law enforcement... Which weapon is more efficient present day due to bullet shortages/cost of said ammo... What happens if you drop the soap in the prison showers... Lots of stuff to be learned here...
My apologies for ignoring this vibrant and important part of our economy. The ingenuity, resourcefulness, and sheer tenacity of those engaged in providing a highly demanded, bespoke, product in an environment of extreme regulation and negative public perception is nothing short of startling.

The global distribution networks involved in this enterprise are also a model worthy of further study. In most cases, the transportation network must overcome regulatory hurdles, natural barriers, and hostile competitors. Additionally, theft and diversion of the product from its intended markets can be a major factor which can have a negative impact on the bottom line.

The security networks and vetting process that these organizations employ are also a model worthy of additional study. In the realms of personal physical security, production facility security, transportation security and human capital management they are unparalleled.

With a well defined human resources pathway with almost no legacy retirement plans to manage, efficient production facilities and flexible logistics management, these organizations are on the cutting edge of efficient management and profitability which all should strive to emulate.

I apologize for missing this sector. Thanks for the correction.

Last edited by MKSixer; 05-10-2016 at 09:48 AM..
Appreciate 5