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      05-10-2016, 08:41 PM   #27540
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Originally Posted by ASBSECU E93 View Post
Good is not a commodity you can personally convert to cash at perceived market price when holding the actual precious metal.

I can rent my investments for market value everyday if the week. More not that supply is shrinking and affordability for many who had credit issues during the recession.

Also - I started buying in 2009 and progressively allowed the 'correction' to work in my favor.

To each their own - but I'd be leery of precious metals as a significant hold for future earnings.
To clarify, what I had mentioned previously was a lot of professional investors are moving to gold for capital preservation...not for a LT investment strategy. I in no way suggested gold as a cash flow instrument - it's about Keeping what you got.

Sorry. But your first statement is 100% incorrect. Gold, not jewelry, but in standardized coins, biscuits and bullion are indeed fungible for the average investor.

All commodities are traded at actual market prices - hence the existence of commodities markets. Yes, these are futures but if you trace each contract back, it is to physical gold, coffee, silver, crude, whatever the commodity. The joke back in the day was if you owned a June contract for crude, you can actually get barrels of crude delivered to you.
Originally Posted by Axius View Post
Why the sad face, I fucking love sausage.
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