Disappointing to hear him state that customers want less feel rather than more. That's all of the status seekers ruining it for those that have been loyal to the heritage and foundation of bmw - drivers cars. I recently purchased an M2 and immediately noticed how much less feel it had than my e82 and e90. Then just last week I bought a 99 m3. Wonderful feedback. I forgot how good the older bmw steering was. I don't care that may be it has some 'bad' feedback. That may be 1% of the time. I don't want to compromise the 99% for the 1%. Hopefully they can figure it out with the esd.
'07 Z4MR '22 GT4 '18 GT3 '16 GT4, '16 M2, '14 X1, '13 135is, '06 330i, '03 323 Ci, '01 330i, '99 M3 (RIP), '96 318is, some non-BMWs