Originally Posted by jpnh
Thankfully that unconstitutional DC stupidity is countered by the '86 FOPA which protects your right to PASS THROUGH unconstitutional zones like DC, Maryland and other snowflake zones so long as you make sure the firearm is in some sort of case (soft or hard) and that ammunition is separate from the firearm
It didn't work for my friend. He was going into a Federal building for work. Went through security screening and the guard (maybe having a bad day) pulled him aside and asked to do a physical search through his bag. They found a loaded 9mm clip but he didn't have his hand gun in the bag. He forgot the clip was in there as he used that same bag earlier when he went to the range. The guard called DC Metro PD and they arrested him on the spot. He spent the night in jail and then had to endure months of preparing for the criminal trial because the prosecutors wouldn't drop the charges.
When the court day finally came, the judge immediately dropped the charges. Mind you, this should have been done before it even got that far. My friend has no felony record...not even a misdemeanor. Has a security clearance and used to be a Fed. Yeah, we have to make an example of such a menace to society. My friend also had to spend somewhere between $12-20k of his own money in legal fees with his attorney.
I told him he needs to get the NRA involved in this mess. But he's the type of guy that just wanted this to go away. Personally, I would have been consulting the NRA and suing the DC government.