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      04-29-2017, 06:53 AM   #9
Major General

Drives: M235i 6spd
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Originally Posted by xQx View Post
I thought with oversteer you should ease _onto_ the throttle to put more weight to the back of the car (giving the back wheels more traction) - not take your foot off the throttle, pushing weight forward & further reducing the rear grip?
When cornering you at least maintain throttle - if you have four good contact patches while cornering and let off the gas or ease off the throttle or brake (assuming speeds and grip are great enough) then you can lose the rear end.

Once you lose rear grip at speed in a turn, what's the instinctive thing to do? let off the gas, also for some to brake, of course you don't brake because that will accentuate weight shift forward and you'll lose even more grip. But if you come off the pedals while over-steering, when you've already lost grip, you'll slow and bring back the rear grip.

That's the nice thing about front-engine rear drive. Mid-engine and rear-wheel drive are crazy, usually because when they lose grip they snap so fast.

Four wheel drive ? rules can be different.

Just to verify the technique for oversteer, research Vic Elford (Porsche Driving Handbook) his oversteer technique is called CPR, Countersteer, Pause, Recover.
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