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      11-01-2017, 10:44 AM   #101
Major General

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Originally Posted by Rik84 View Post
This fucking forum... literally every negative event that occurs in America, and to a lesser extent around the world, turns into some right blaming the left, or left blaming the right situation. EVERYTHING. A kid could get run over by a school bus by accident and someone would find a way to blame the other side.

it makes zero sense. If this place is at all indicative of the average middle class/middle upper class in America you’re fucked. You can’t even attempt to try and look at something and solve it, it’s just a shit mix of opportunity for half the country to throw shade at the other side.

Holy. Fucking. Fuck.
Thanks for your intelligent, considered, helpful response.

<OO (llll)(llll) OO>
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