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      11-01-2017, 12:22 PM   #159

Drives: G30 M550i
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Toronto

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I never comment on these threads as a matter of principle but I would like to add one thing - There is no radical(or whatever adjective you want to attach to it) islam, there is just islam. Period. And unfortunately based on what we have seen, this religion and culture does not seem to be conducive to integration with other religions and cultures. That is all.
The podcast is interesting as well.

"When Islam comes into a place, either the society gets better, nothing changes, or it gets worse. Do we have enough data at this point after fourteen hundred years to suggest that we can try to bet what will happen to a society? The answer, regrettably, is yes. Again, I hate to have to preface [my assessment with], of course most Muslims are lovely and peaceful and simply wish to raise their kids, but Islam as an ideology, when it comes into a new society, is it a good thing? If yes, then let’s all turn Islamic. If no, then maybe we should have an honest conversation about this."
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