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      11-01-2017, 12:50 PM   #162

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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
I disagree about the radical part. Religion as a whole is usually designed to convince other people to become that religion. Example: Christians are supposed to help other people see the positive aspects of the religion and want to convert. Same thing with Islam. The goal is to convince other people (or all people) into believing the same thing. I could be Christian, and want to convert an Atheist to the same religion, but as a rational human being I would understand that people have the right to practice other religions. Radicals are the ones who believe people should be put to death if they do not practice the same thing, big difference. That is not to say I agree with any of the ideas of Islam, just saying how I see the radical vs. non-radical people.

Millions of people practice different religions side by side in the US every day, the radical ones are those who feel the need to kill others to force them to submit to their religion.

I have a hard time believing a lot of these extremists are actually religious, and not just carrying out crimes against a certain group they hate and feeling it is acceptable because of some mental defect they have. Many of their actions do not really follow any sort of religion. Take ISIS for example, many of the ISIS soldiers capture young women, rape them, and use them as sex slaves to pass around between them. That seems to go against the whole no sex outside of marriage thing.

I could go around burning schools and government buildings because those people are non-religious or "sinners", but does that make me still a Christian necessarily?
Only if you do it in the name of Christianity while screaming Jesus Saves!
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