Originally Posted by bbbbmw
Ummm.... under Obama, we had wide open borders. And these stupid programs to allow immigration from radicalized countries and regions, with little to no real vetting. And with 20% of Americans being foreign-born, we don't need any more until these can assimilate. Many public schools have to teach in over 100 foreign languages and dialects, and the public assistance dollars consumed far outweigh any taxes paid. And that's before we have the terrorism issues.
Fuck that if you come here and go to school you have to learn English. I came here in 87 at age 8 and attended the Newark public school system. I took ESL for 2 years but everything was in English. I sure as fuck didn't have anyone come in and teach me in Polish.
For fucks sake if you are in the school then you have a golden opportunity to learn the language and if you can't or won't then get the fuck back to where you came from.