Originally Posted by Joester
I've got like 400hr in PUBG and I very rarely have any problem with cheaters. I seems to be in the minority here though. I have suspected someone of cheating maybe 5 times or so, in all my matches played.
I'm not sure what I'm doing right. I play on NA servers, usually around 4-10pm Central time.
Or maybe I'm just not suspicious enough of others. I like to think that when I die, I simply got outplayed. I only suspect cheats when I get hit with full auto fire from 100+ yards away and every bullet hits... but that's only happened a few times.
Did anyone watch the Rocket League world championship this weekend?
Yeah I'm only talking about when I get hit with like a full M4 clip in the head instantly and die then watch the kill log show about 5-10 more headshots from the same guy. I play on NA servers mostly between 4-6pm EST. I mostly play squads which is where I think all the hackers go. I hardly ever see them in Duos.