Originally Posted by Ibiza
Helmets used to be part of the 2 day M School gift as it was required for advanced M school. To cut costs, PC no longer gives a helmet to participants nor is it required to wear when driving. This is direct from the horses mouth aka PCD staff. I've used mine twice.
When I was at the 2-day M-School this past Oct. the instructors said that wearing a helmet with their vehicles was less safe than without them.
Originally Posted by bimmer456
Must have changed their policy with the unprecedented demand clogging the phone lines. I guess it's up to their discretion.
This was policy earlier this year too. When I booked this past Summer I asked about combining the UDE 20%, the BMW CCA 15%, and car control school credit, and they said you can't combine the BMW CCA discount with the other % off discounts.