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      12-20-2017, 03:19 PM   #191
Lieutenant Colonel
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Drives: '18 LBB M2 6MT Exec
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Parkland, Fl

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Originally Posted by The HACK View Post
EPS is driven off of electrical current/alternator/battery, while traditional hydraulic power steering is driven off of the engine's main belt. "Parasitic" drag on the engine from a mechanically driven power steering pump vs. under driving the alternator (leading to a much shorter life for alternator, but it will be out of warranty so who gives a flying eff?) to provide power is fraction of a small margin worse, therefore, theoretically a mechanically driven pump will cause a minuscule amount MORE fuel to be burned.

In theory.
Oh right, I hadnt considered that.> Good point. Im told there are some makes out there that do EPS a far sight better than what BMW put together sans feel and artificially over weighted.
'18 LBB MT M2 Exec pkg, Moonroof, Production 7/6/17
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