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      12-26-2017, 02:03 PM   #66
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally Posted by lax01 View Post
FYI - Got the M Driver's Package with my M2 (seriously wished I wasn't forced to take it - what a ripoff)...I tried to use the BMWCCA discount on 1-Day M School (which is $1550) but they took 15% off the balance of the voucher (it was only worth $1500 apparently - the M Driver's Program is different than the 1 Day M-School) and the 1 Day M School - so I owed $50 minus 15% :jerk off motion:

This is after spending $2500 on the M Driver's Package :further jerk off motion:

The school is great really get to drive the shit out of the cars. Wish I could have done the 2-day school but it just wasn't worth the upgrade costs
Why were you forced to take it? Why didn't you tell them 'No'?
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