Originally Posted by Robin_NL
Flanders=The Netherlands. Waterloo=The Netherlands
Belgium/Belgica = Nether (lower) lands(countries) in latin.
I'm not agreed ! ( very long story in short )
Belgica ( Gallia Belgica ) was the Roman word for the later Belgium (Belgie) But earlier in time it was called *Belgae* by the Celts .
I'm pretty sure you know what happened over here when Julius Caesar came to conquer my home town !
It was in 54 BC (54 before Christ) when the Roman sucker Caesar came to *Atuatuca Tungrorum* today it's called Tongeren. But my ancestor *Ambiorix* kicked first the Roman asses and no one from the Roman legion returned ever to Rome alive . One Roman legion was 6,000 man strong , and it was the best and strongest army in the world !
After 2 years the Roman sucker came back with 9 legions => 54,000 Roman soldiers and Ambiorix had no chance with his little tribe called the Eburones !
And so finally the Romans conquered the world...
That's how Gallia Belgica was changed in Belgium => Belgie
And my home town *Atuatuca Tungrorum* was changed into Tongeren .
And that's why my home town is the oldest town from Belgium...
In my home town you can see the traces from the historical war everywhere , and my house is built on the ground of the battlefield ..
(Check also my Avatar pic)