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      04-06-2018, 09:59 AM   #52

Drives: 2017 Audi S6
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Toronto, ON

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Originally Posted by upstatedoc View Post
I can't imagine what it would cost to feed my 80lb goldendoodle raw food
Well, I just ran it through a calculator and I'm not sure where they are getting there cost estimates from, but multiplying the lbs required by their actual listed cost in the shop section of their website, its about $260 / month to feed a 75 lb healthy Lab. Unsurprisingly, their calculator was estimating the cost at closer to $190/month, probably to hook you in.

So Moddie can just go ahead and at least double those costs for his mastiff.

I don't have that kind of scratch to feed my dog raw food. He can stay on Acana kibble.
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