Originally Posted by zx10guy
Raised heck recently with a package being delivered by FedEx. The package was being shipped one state over locally so it would only take one day. On the day it was supposed to be delivered, tracking showed all was well. Deliver by 8PM. I waited and waited. 8PM comes and I decide to call FedEx. Was told it won't be delivered that day and they will deliver tomorrow. Next day, I check tracking and now it's showing as delivery on Tuesday. Called FedEx again to request the package be held at their shipping hub. Was told they can't do that. I then ask why I have to wait till Tuesday and was told that's the next business day for home delivery.
Being less than satisfied with the run around, I called back and immediately asked for a supervisor. I get one on the phone and voiced my displeasure with how this all was being handled when there was no weather related incidents causing the delay. The supervisor called down to the FedEx hub and verified the package was there and on the truck. We then got status that the package was out for delivery. The supervisor on the phone talked to the supervisor at the hub to get status from the driver on an approximate window my package would be delivered and to ensure it would be delivered that day. I eventually got my package about 30 minutes to an hour into the window. Meanwhile the online tracking status was still showing delivery for Tuesday until it updated that they had delivered the package.
I constantly have issues like this with FedEx. And get this, at least in my county, they don't de residential delivery on Mondays. What the f#@% kind of delivery service/company does that?