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      04-27-2018, 10:47 PM   #193
First Lieutenant

Drives: 335i
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Chicago

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Originally Posted by irishbimmer View Post
Hard to get rid of live ins, sounds like neither of you guys are perfect for each other for now...but if she is working so much it sounds as if she might be providing financial assistance or might be capable. Some of us have traipsed off to work for years leaving the wife to handle the kids and and the housework. Maybe get some help in that regard and hire a maid service. Second, buy her some flowers and a great bottle of champagne, open it and see what happens.
We are both financially independent and maintain separate accounts. We just spilt shopping and going out/entertainment bills. I pay all home related bills as I had this place before her. Money is not an issue here, we can maintain our lifestyle without the other person.

Cleaning is not a big problem, but I will look into cleaning service. Also will get her flowers tomorrow. Thanks
Appreciate 1