love to hear opinions on this..please do not flame me. I have a 335xi (not my first Bimmer--had an 04 745Li). But, I also have other cars-good performers.
Anyway..I hang out sometimes on other forums, and in general, BMW owners take a bad rap. Many say things like: "they are snobs and don't know anything about cars" or "they all think their car is faster than it is" or my favorite..."they are sore losers..after you beat them they either won't acknowledge you or they do the ricer fly by." I generally defend these comments with "all car types have cool drivers/owners and doesn't matter which brand."
Well..lately I have been starting to wonder if there is some truth to this, based on recent experiences. I will share just a couple:
Finally got some nice weather here..lots of nice cars out. Had some fun, short and safe freeway runs on friday in my heavily modified 300C (375 rwhp). Got a wave or thumbs up from all (several cts caddys, a couple of Benzes of the non AMG persuasion, a G35. none were serious competitors. but they all were into it and cool about it).
Then I get the sneeky attempted kill by a dork in a 550 BMW. Not only did he try to do it by sneeking up from behind...after he got totally spanked, he did the angry fly by, close cut in, and high speed weaving in and out of traffic (when we caught up to the traffic)--the dork had a small child in the back seat!
Saturday..almost same thing. I am in my sts-v. A really nice looking 540..big tire in back, exhaust..freshly detailed...just hanging back in my back right bumper while I am on cruise control-73. no biggie..except when the lanes go from 2 to 5 and traffic clears, of course, he nails it. (doean't pull up next to me like normal people..tries the sneeky way) So I oblige, and murder him quickly and effortlessly. Slow back down to normal speeds as I am approaching traffic. Guess what...same thing as the day before...comes flying up at very high rate of speed, cuts in front of me with little clearance, weaves in and out of traffic dangerously, then takes next exit.
So my question..are a higher percentage of BMW owners ##sholes than other car types??