It's a problem with drivers, not cars or brands. I was driving on one rainy night,and when I was starting to exit from the highway I was on, I saw a 335 desperately trying to get into the exit lane last-second; A 90's Dodge Caravan was being a dick, so I moved a lane over to the right to let the bimmer in. The 335 managed to get into an exit lane, so I figured all is well. Due to inclement weather, I'm doing maybe 55 on a 45 ramp, and it so happens that i start catching up to the dickhead van to my left. The bimmer driver decides that it will be a cold day in hell before a civic passes him on an off-ramp, so he starts riding the van's ass probably not a foot away from him, trying to cut me off... Thank god for limitted slip and new front tires that night, because I don't recall having road rage hit me that hard often...I dropped down a few gears and continued on my merry way off the ramp, struggling at keeping the car on the road going in the vicinity of 90 at that point. It was kind of sad, since i romanticize about my future 335 driving (I'm hoping to pick one up around August), and having to deal with a total prick, after actually being pretty nice on the road. Yeah, civic drivers are all **** with fartcans that show off... :\