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      05-11-2018, 06:54 PM   #25
Pig Farmer

Drives: E92M
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Florida

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Originally Posted by Real Dodger View Post
I wish I hadn't read this thread, as my 16 year old is leaving for school in their car. He's been driving on his own for 6 weeks.
Relax. You've got another week.

But seriously, cars are much safer these days compared to what most of us were driving at 16. My first car was a Mk1 GTI... No air bags, no traction control, no anti-lock brakes, and sheet metal as thick as a beer can. We all did stupid shit and the vast majority of us survived. The only advantage we had was knowing it was going to hurt when something went wrong. Better to learn that lesson young while you're green and flexible. That being said, please remind your kids to put away their "smart" phones while driving.
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