Originally Posted by xQx
Okay. I'm a jerk. Often, I'm the archetypal aggressive BMW/sports car driver.
I live in a tourist town with a population similar to that of Florida. Half the drivers on the road don't know where they're going, the other half are in no hurry to get there.
I drive around them, for fun. I drive in a way that doesn't inconvenience others; but I assert my right of way and tuck through gaps in traffic with margins of error that I'm comfortable with - which are almost universally much tighter than those of the people around me.
If there's a 3 second gap between two cars doing 60kph, and I'm turning left or right into the flow, I know I can easily fit into that gap with a rolling start. Most people would've said there wasn't a gap in traffic.
If there's a two lane roundabout and both go straight ahead, I'll tuck into the outside lane and overtake the line of cars mindlessly following the inside lane. I'll brake late and take the roundabout at the speed limit.
If there's a filter lane to turn left or right, and the car in front of me isn't indicating to go into that lane and I'm turning in that direction, I'll drop into that lane at the first opportunity, then speed up - often 'overtaking' five cars going straight ahead before trailbreaking into the corner and accelerating out of the apex. Any opportunity I get I'll be using the accelerator as yaw control, the aim being to step the back out ever-so-slightly on the way through the corner.
If I'm slowing down for lights, the MHD burble warns other drivers of my presence.
If I'm in the far left lane (equivalent of the right for US drivers) of a three lane road and the far right lane is clear, but there's only a 2 second gap between cars in the middle lane, I'll go from far left to far right in one nice sweeping movement with plenty of margin (2 - 3 feet) between me and the other two cars.
I'll weave between lanes to try to pick the fastest between lights. Sometimes I'm wrong and end up behind the car that was behind me in the lane I started in.
It's not because I'm in a hurry, and it's not reckless, careless or breaking the speed limit. It's because I'm enjoying the dance in the traffic on public roads.
All that said, there's one last thing I do too, religiously.... I indicate.
End confession.
I admire your confession....and since most of the people where I live drive 35 MPH in the 45 MPH zone I also occasionally do the same...