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      03-21-2008, 02:14 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by AJerman View Post
Well I certainly don't speak for everyone. If you found what you like in it, then great. I don't mean to say that it doesn't look good enough so I can show off owning a BMW as much as I just simply mean that it doesn't have the BMW look that I do like. I don't buy cars to show off, I buy them for what I like in them and what they offer to me, and to me the small curvy cars like the 135 don't look as attractive.

I honestly thought after seeing the original pictures of the 1 series that we'd see at least 500 pounds off the 335, and cheaper prices. For being so close in weight and cost coming in JUST under the 335, it doesn't do it for me.

And also, I'll have to look into the suspension. I had thought it was supposed to be the same, or at least very similar. If it's stiffer then that's a plus for handling, then again, how many of us on these types of boards ever leave anything stock, even if it's got a sport suspension?

I hope you like it. Maybe I'll be completely wrong about the 1's, maybe BMW will add more to set it apart or at least lower the price a little, who knows. It's certainly a nice car still, even if it doesn't beat out a 335 for me.
If you needs something bigger and sleak, the E92 is a good choice.

We'll see, I think it'll be a cult car. BMW isn't planning on selling very many. 10,000 combined for ALL 1 series models.
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