Originally Posted by darkcloud
My job isn't going anywhere. 28 years ago my Dad started a business that is in prime territory right now. Its called legal delivery. The service of summons, court orders, divorces and FORECLOSURES. We get stacks upon stacks out of the court daily. This 10 year shit storm is rolling dough right in our front door. Businesses like mine and Foreclosure attorneys will be standing at the top at the end. So I don't mind one bit. Personally I hope it gets worse, if everything goes well for me and I can save and make some good decisions then I'll be partly retiring by 35-40 y/o. I'm 25.
Originally Posted by cars4lyfe
darkcloud, I hope to God you change your views. Hoping things get worse for millions of people just because it benefits your dad's line of business is selfish and I hope God destroys people like you from the face of the Earth.
It's one thing to wish your business thrives and it's another to wish hardships on millions just so you can benefit. Every business needs a demand. It's already there for you, but apparently your lazy ass doesn't know how to fish for it. You prefer desperate people looking for you with their problems.
I hope all good people prosper. I believe it's possible for the entire world to prosper as a whole without the need for a group of people(s) to suffer financially.
Darkcloud, some day you'll see that what may be good for one in the short term is bad for you in the long term.
I will say that in any market condition there is money to be made, if you are in the right place. But rejoycing in the misery of others is simply immature and selfish.