Originally Posted by dr325i
Let me guess:
- you voted for W in 2000 and 2004Only in 04, I couldn't vote in 00. I voted for him in 04 mainly because I thought changing our president in the middle of a war wasn't a great idea.
- you think Reagan was the best pres everDon't care. Wasn't old enough to care.
- Now that Bush kissed McCain, you made up your mindActually no. I have payed very little attention to the candidates so far. Once the democrats make a decision I'll begin paying attention but until Obama and Hillary back away from each others throats I could care less.
- You think that 250k innocent Iraqi civilians killed are great investment as long as the Iraqi oil starts freely flowing this way...No, I think that many deaths is terrible. I do agree that we need the oil from that region but not at the price that is being payed in lives.
- if possible, you're one of 28% of US people that would vofe for W in 2008No, actually I wouldn't. I agree that it is time for a major change. Do I agree that everything needs to go democrat as well, No. I think there needs to be a balance. Who ever comes out swinging with the right amount of ideas for the future is who I'll vote for. Democrat or Republican, who ever has the better overall views.
Let me know if I'm wrong in any of my assumptions...but to me your statements and views as a perfect stereotype of...
So overall you were .5 out of 5 right, since question #1 was a 2 part question. Good overall assumptions.