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      07-24-2018, 12:26 PM   #42
King Rudi
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally Posted by 808@702 View Post
This. I have been working for about 30 years straight out of college, and I have climbed as high I can at this point. Don't give a flying f**k about impressing anyone. And the kids coming out of college don't want to work to advance anymore. They expect it to be given to them. What I intend to do is take a year off and travel. My own personal Endless Summer. Indonesia, South America and Africa mainly.
That sounds like a plan. I'm not as high as I can be but honestly don't want to be any higher than I am. When I was in the business of trying to make a name for myself it was due to money and the respect that came with the position. We currently have an open position for plant manager here and I don't want anyone knowing I'm qualified for it. It is more money but those in management positions here are in debt and need that money....I don't. I never want to be in a position where I hate my job but feel stuck because I'm in over my head in debt. Since society flip flopped a few years ago, management positions are no longer held in high regard. All the power is in the hands of the mindless sheep who are nothing more than a warm body.

My game plan at this point is to ride this out for another couple of years, stuff as much money in the bank as I can, sell my house and move somewhere that I can enjoy the rest of my life.
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