Originally Posted by 1MOREMOD
Maybe you are having a hard time grasping. Rates typically are based on number of factors age, sex type car and so on. If it becomes the norm to be able to change your sex at will without proving anything all insurance needs to do is base their rate on what you are born as not what you identify as. You cant say you have a yugo and get insurance for a Lamborghini? Called fraud.
I don't think I'm the one who has the hard time grasping...are you reading the story? I think the story and the points I have made are as clear as can be. Again, the guy legally changed his gender (not what he identifies as) on all the legal documents required by his insurance company. As far as the insurance company is concerned he is female and his insurance rates reflected that.
My point again is that as you stated if people are able to change their gender without proof
which is what this guy did, insurance companies are going to have to compensate for it. It's not fraud, it's privacy and discrimination laws we have to blame.