Originally Posted by Kilockel
I do agree, parents are very quick to medicate their children, and in many instances far too quickly. It all makes you wonder...
sometimes it's NOT the parents... My Aunt was convinced by the school system in FloriDUH that my young Cousin was ADD... So on the meds he goes. Turned him into a little zombie, it was pathetic.
We're actively medicating the intelligence out of our kids. If they do not conform to some pathetically low standards of behavior there must be something wrong. Einstein would have likely been medicated in schools today...
All that being said though I was diagnosed as a child with ADD. Spent a couple of years taking Ritalin didn't seem to have any effect. What DID make a huge difference C-D student to A-B student was a different school. Made all the difference in fact with no need for medication, go figure.
As an adult I find myself constantly wondering, mind on anything other than the job at hand... As a Graphic Artist I can get away with it too an extent but it seems to be getting worse... I'm wondering if simply increasing my caffeine intake may help...