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      10-06-2018, 03:34 PM   #1
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Street Parking Argument with Nasty Neighbor

Please help with the following:

I live in an apartment building on a corner at the beginning of a dead end road. The dead end is only wide enough for one lane of traffic and one row of parking. The road has space for 5 parked cars, and to take one of the spots you need to go to the end of the road and turn around, as the spots are facing out, towards where you enter.

Anyway, I entered the dead end, go to the end to turn around, and once done turning around, I see another car, the car of a neighbor, in the lane of traffic stopped across from the open spot. He hadn't been there a second ago, as I wouldn't have been able to pass otherwise, so he was behind me as I entered the dead end.

I pull into the spot and he asks me to roll down my window. He then asks if I'm taking the spot, which I say yes. He said he was there first and I said what are you talking about, you're in the road and I was turning around to take the spot, I was here first. He said you know what you did, I said I don't care what you think I did, but I didn't steal the spot from you.

He then states I should be careful, as I'm very close to a fire hydrant. I say, if you want to play that game, feel free to park here any other time as well. (While there's space for two cars, one of which being somewhat close to the hydrant, there's still far sufficient room around the hydrant and people park there all the time, never having any tickets.)

After continued arguing, I finish parking, get out of my car and he continues down the road to turn around at the end of the dead end. Note his home is directly across from the spot we were arguing over.

The next day I now see he's taking up two of the spots, as he's parking between the one further from the hydrant and the one closer to it, such that if someone were to park behind him now, they'd be too close to the hydrant. There are no lines on the ground indicating spots, just a residential street.

What should I do next I see him? I want to be sure to give him a piece of my mind. He's now taking up two spots like an ass in retaliation of our altercation. There are 7 or so homes on the block plus my apartment building, which has 18 or so units, so parking is at a real premium. Any thoughts on how I should proceed?

Thinking to knock on the doors of the other homes to speak to the homeowners about this prick, as they've been his neighbor longer than I, but wondering what I should say to him directly should I see him.

Appreciate 0