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      10-06-2018, 04:07 PM   #4
New Member

Drives: F13 M6
Join Date: Oct 2018
Location: Raleigh,N.C.

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Go over there and apologize immediately if you're seeking any type of real resolution. Or the very next time you see him.

The reason I recommended an apology is, it's no longer an issue of who's right or who's wrong. It's now an issue of just doing the right thing.

It seems like a misunderstanding. Also if things were fine prior to the altercation and you were content with the parking situation before, an apology is the only way to start any type of dialect.

The next time you see him.... he's going to want to give you a piece of his mind.... and things can escalate. So an apology immediately diffuses the situation., and opens the door to a resolution.....
Appreciate 2
King Rudi13071.00