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      10-06-2018, 04:53 PM   #7

Drives: G30 M550i
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Toronto

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Originally Posted by ScottSinger View Post
You need to be patient - I find that when people are continually stupid sooner or later they get what they deserve.

I don't know what your parking alternatives are, but in the short term I would forget about it. Usually if someone parks like a ass often enough sooner or later someone will mess with the vehicle.

I would never start with someone if my car were exposed to retribution.
One of the rules to live by.

As for the OP, this is the time to be the bigger man. Go knock on the guy's door, apologize, have a beer/scotch/etc with the guy, and try to resolve the situation peacefully. Time will go by, you will gain his trust and learn his weaknesses, when the opportunity presents itself and it will, you will crush him.
Appreciate 1
King Rudi13071.00