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      10-08-2018, 10:37 AM   #21
Darth One
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Originally Posted by Real Dodger View Post
Remember, when he does that he's not just pissing you off, he's pissing off everyone else who lives near you and may want to park there. Let him deal with the fall out.
agree with this. a jerk can't help but be a jerk to everyone. and everyone needs their neighbors. i can't understand why people don't understand this.

i've really tried to be on good terms with my neighbors - in return, they've trimmed their trees so they don't drop stuff on my cars, run errands for me, closed my garage door when i stupidly leave it open overnight, even call me frantically on my cell phone the one time my water main broke and they saw water flooding out of my house. it's great.

on the other hand, we used to have a lady who lived alone who was a total shit to everyone on our street. i felt she singled me out and would actually confront me for every little thing we did that she didn't like. well, when Hurricane Wilma threatened south Florida, we discovered that i was the only one who had a ladder that could reach second story windows. so after i put up my shutters, i took my ladder and helped every single one of my neighbors put up their shutters except one. fuck her and let the wind carry her away like the witch she is
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