Originally Posted by DETRoadster
Anyone else get suckered into downloading iOS 12.1? I almost always wait a few months but this time I was off my game and just installed without waiting for a few patches to be released. What a mistake. So many bugs. So, so many bugs.
- Hyperlinks in e-mails no longer work.
- Cant forward a photo to e-mail or text from the photo app.
- Cant click on alerts to enter into the app for that alert.
- When typing in an e-mail or text, the cursor will randomly jump to the next line like you clicked the "return" button.
These are just the bugs I've found in the past day since installing. Cant wait to see what else is hiding in there.
Ready to throw my phone out the window. 
I'm having the same issues! I didn't think about it being because of the update but now that I think about it that's when everything went to shit. Any word on a fix??
I think it's a sign... I'm going to check out the Galaxy s10 or that foldable one that's coming out if they are as special as they're rumored to be. Apple has been losing their way imo. Keep jacking prices and clinging to their walled garden of software and refusing to add stuff Android has had for years like removable storage. I'd bemoan the headphone jack thing but rumor is Android phones might start to follow suit.