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      04-16-2006, 09:29 PM   #34
JOYRIIDE1113's Avatar

Drives: Detailing Shark
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Miami-Kendall

iTrader: (1)

WOW! You guys are fukin A$$HOLES!

With me not being back to respond to many of your negative comments, many of you have managed to ASSUME this car was given to me and that I'm a spoiled brat!?!? WTF

Talk about hating! You guys are a disgrace to the BMW roundel and need to re-evaluate your reasons for buying the car. Obviously it wasn't for the ride, as you have made it clear its more of a status symbol.

And you know what! Yes it is! I got the X5 because I felt it not only drove better than the competition, but It calls for a lot more prestige than an Infinity. And thats the truth, no buts about it, and no driving hype spooling from my sentences. Although it is a very sophisticated drive!

As for who pays for it, Ill give you guys something more to hate about, I do! I fukin pay it you jealous pricks! You wanna know how I pay it! I work full time as a paralegal, where I got my studies at University of Miami. Where I will in a couple more years become an attorney. How about that. Now you're gonna hate that my parents gave me a great education and good enviroment to learn? How about the fact that I went to Belen Jesuit Prep. Now I'm a spoiled brat for that too!

Grow up.

I posted this thread in order to SHARE some exciting news for me. Share a little bit of my excitement, show off a bit of my detailing enthusiasm, and sort of be proud with fellow BMW owners that I kept it in the family and didn't run to another brand.
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