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      04-16-2006, 09:40 PM   #41
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: 325i
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: miami

iTrader: (2)

Originally Posted by JOYRIIDE1113
WOW! You guys are fukin A$$HOLES!

With me not being back to respond to many of your negative comments, many of you have managed to ASSUME this car was given to me and that I'm a spoiled brat!?!? WTF

Talk about hating! You guys are a disgrace to the BMW roundel and need to re-evaluate your reasons for buying the car. Obviously it wasn't for the ride, as you have made it clear its more of a status symbol.

And you know what! Yes it is! I got the X5 because I felt it not only drove better than the competition, but It calls for a lot more prestige than an Infinity. And thats the truth, no buts about it, and no driving hype spooling from my sentences. Although it is a very sophisticated drive!

As for who pays for it, Ill give you guys something more to hate about, I do! I fukin pay it you jealous pricks! You wanna know how I pay it! I work full time as a paralegal, where I got my studies at University of Miami. Where I will in a couple more years become an attorney. How about that. Now you're gonna hate that my parents gave me a great education and good enviroment to learn? How about the fact that I went to Belen Jesuit Prep. Now I'm a spoiled brat for that too!

Grow up.

I posted this thread in order to SHARE some exciting news for me. Share a little bit of my excitement, show off a bit of my detailing enthusiasm, and sort of be proud with fellow BMW owners that I kept it in the family and didn't run to another brand.
LOL bro don’t listen to these cats. Half of them are in there 40s with kids and sit on the internet talking to other people about there car that inset even that great if your at that age. No affiance to the people I like.
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