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      04-17-2006, 07:25 PM   #15
Major General

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Join Date: May 2005
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Originally Posted by KL2DC
For your b-spec driver (back-up driver/auto pilot whatever you call him ), you need to 'train' him well before he can start doing/sitting in on races for you. Its a long process involving learning tracks and cars. Yeah, I tried to do the 24 hr le mans race, ended up splitting the distance (12hr) with my "2nd Driver" I named Ed... while I went to sleep/work etc
you train the B spec driver?? honestly I didn't know that, I just got stupid fast cars and always ended up winning by many many laps

I think I'm about done with that game though, don't have the patience to get that stupid last license test done (the ring, fast and with zero off track events, unless I did pass it then just forgot either way I spent way too much time on that game)
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