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      02-27-2020, 10:18 AM   #719

Drives: G30 M550i
Join Date: Oct 2016
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Originally Posted by chetman7 View Post
Not sure how this is relevant to the current conversation. I am in no way bashing law enforcement but in any occupation there will always be good and bad workers.

Hypothetical...cop t bones me at an intersection as he is cruising over the speed limit on the wrong side of road going towards oncoming traffic.

Who's at fault?
Generally it would depend on the local laws however if we use Ontario Canada as an example, the cop would be at fault. There are other factors that have to be considered but the scenario you used is pretty straight forward - wrong side of the road/oncoming traffic. I would say he's at fault. Even if I am missing something, there is still a lot of contributory negligence on the officer's part.

Generally, the first things to determine when dealing with a collision involving an emergency vehicle is the type of intersection if applicable, and whether the vehicle had their lights and/or siren on.
Appreciate 1
Salty Dog3571.50