Originally Posted by cmyx6go
Thanks for asking.  I'm trying my best but it's tough. I thought I was going to have a panic attack driving to work this morning. I am not an anxious person. I can't imagine how people with anxiety issues are coping. I'm working from home as much as I can but I have to come in at least one day a week to sign checks to keep my vendors paid.
I don't want to make this another thread about the virus as I stopped reading them. The virus itself is scary, add my family issues with mom being high risk and dad just not getting it. My niece started her chemo a month ago so she is highly at risk. They have been going to Sloan in NYC for treatments but they - not sure if Sloan, the city or the state - don't want anyone going to the NYC location. They approved pediatric treatments at another Sloan location in NJ.
WTF? Make fun of women drivers, will you? I could use a diversion. Things are getting real. My roots and grays are showing. My pretty french manicure won't be pretty in a few weeks and my cleaning lady isn't essential. .... I hope the pool boy is considered essential. 
things getting lonely out there?