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      04-14-2020, 04:46 PM   #842
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Originally Posted by Rmtt View Post
That sucks. Think him for his service even if it isn't on our side of the border.

I have yet to have anyone say anything to me about not wearing a mask as I keep my distance. But if they do, it would be in their best interest to keep their distance.

I'm about sick of people thinking they are experts because they read Facebook last night.....since they couldn't stay in a Holiday Inn.
I'll thank him when he comes up for air....his boss told them all to go home and lock down with PS4.....I told him to ask if that was an order and if they would be issuing him a PS4 if he didn't have one....but that's just my way of dealing with authority, hence my meteoric rise through the ranks. I have to admit, I've had some looks, and I said to some lady at the post office today we all need to just stay calm and not lose our minds.....
Appreciate 2