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      07-14-2020, 10:37 AM   #24
Brigadier General

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Originally Posted by AlpineWhite_SJ View Post
IT sales can be rough and extremely political based on who is leadership. I did sales/marketing/channel ops for most of my post-college career and it's extremely company dependent on how they handle remote workers. Always good to have some HQ people you trust keep a pulse on how things are going at the factory.

PS - In the Bay Area where a lot of firms are located, the move to remote is largely viewed as necessary and sustainable for the next 1-2 years. Some companies have done work from home indefinitely, others have said definitely through calendar year or two. Just so you have a feel for things around here if your company is based here.
While I'm on the sales side, I'm technically focused. The company I worked for 2 employers ago did not see me as that. They viewed everyone along the sales chain to include the onsite engineers as sales people first and foremost. While I was very successful with my clients/customers and was able to exceed my sales quotas on a consistent basis, the culture there didn't care that my success was centered around my ability to be very technical and relate to the customer on that level.

My previous employer was better but still not the best in terms of fostering an environment for technically focused sales engineers. My current company on the other hand is my current panacea. They value technical people and have built their sales model around ensuring there is a significant amount of technical prowess. Where as the other two employers were top heavy with account executives, it's actually reversed with my current employer. One of the big differences is that the prior to employers are publicly traded. My current employer is not and is actually larger than my previous employer in both physical foot print and annual revenue by a large margin. It's also no coincidence my current employer has consistently made the Fortune 100 best companies to work for.
Originally Posted by Lups View Post
We might not be in an agreement on Trump, but I'll be the first penis chaser here to say I'll rather take it up in the ass than to argue with you on this.
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