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      05-12-2008, 11:47 AM   #7
MontegoblueE92's Avatar

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Syesha can sing different style songs. Archuleta basically sings the same style every single week. Same tempo, same runs. It's really old now. It has been for a few weeks. He can sing, but he's got no versatility whatsoever. I just don't want all the little girls voting him through because that takes away from the fact that it is a singing competition to find the next great act.

David Cook deserves to win, solely for the fact that he is artistic with some of the songs. Even though most people quote the Billie Jean song when it comes to this, he didn't actually change that one. He sung Chris Cornell's version. But ever since then, he's been changing the songs up in a similar fashion, so I have to put my money on him.

Syesha deserves second place. But she will probably get out this week. Her only issue in my opinion is that she takes on songs that are too big for her, and she can't seem to get the judge's comments through her head. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Broadway for her, not just a singing contract.
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