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      09-01-2020, 12:28 PM   #57
King Rudi
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Originally Posted by vreihen16 View Post
Around this neck of the woods they still do! The Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower Farm is about 10 miles away, and they have been trucking in pilgrim labor for a few years now to help build their new world headquarters. One has to admire their logistics and organization, having purchased motels to house the workers, set up their own private bus system, bought warehouses to build modular rooms, etc. Absolutely perfect neighbors though, except on the weekends when a few of the out-of-town pilgrims go door-to-door in service. I am actually polite with them.....
Years ago they used to visit me frequently. I was always polite, no matter how many times they interrupted me working on whatever I was doing at the time. After a few months of bi-weekly visits, I finally told them that I was not religious whatsoever and I felt that they were wasting their time with me. I should have known better. That's when their efforts became more concentrated. In their eyes it was a "lost soul" type scenario that they felt they would prevail. On their last visit, I finally told them to stop coming to my house or I would stop answering the door for them. I did tell them that since they were so persistent, that I would interview them for a sales position if they were interested. Initially they laughed, until I told them I didn't want to see them again, unless I was interviewing them.

As for door knockers these days, I still get them on occasion but it's one of two types, either religious folks trying to save my soul from damnation (I feel like I'm not the one that needs saving, it's those who have to deal with me on a consistent basis) or kids from school (aka the foot soldiers for Board of Education Nazis) that live in the neighborhood peddling their wares of useless stuff, so they can jump in a bounce house. Pretty ballsy to blindly knock on anyone's doors these days in my opinion.
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