Thread: Yard freaks
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      10-26-2020, 12:01 AM   #1035
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Originally Posted by nyalpine90 View Post
been watching a lot of youtube videos...
i wont have a chance to do anything to the lawn when i move in maybe Nov/Dec.
definitely will start next year when spring arrives.
i do need to level certain spots, some trees were removed.
mixture of soil and sand to level bad areas.
not sure what homedepot has for seeding and fertilizers
these youtubers all have favorite brand, seems to live in warmer climate area.
You'll go through more sand than you think you will. I tried to deal with a few small areas along my driveway and the sand I got barely made a dent.

As for grass seed, it is quite a rabbit hole if you choose to start looking at cultivars within the traditional types. If you don't want what you can get at big box stores, you can try some landscaping stores/garden centers/plant nurseries. Some sell bags of seed mixes that they blend themselves (or have blended for them). They'll look like fairly generic sacks with a tag stating content ($ percentages). The better blends have 0.00% weed content. You can also try online. Seed Super Store is one but they sell some good but pricey stuff. I ordered some seed from Deer Creek Seed Company as they had 2 types if KBG that I was interested (Concerto and Appalachian) in at a reasonable price.

Oh...and don't rake in the seed in the might come out uneven. That's [recent] experience talking from when I overseeded (repair) along the street and driveway the last week of September. lol Most of what will germinate did. Some new stuff is still coming up but I'll hit the bare spots again in the spring. I'll aerate and overseed then, too. Hopefully the new grass is strong enough to survive winter.
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