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      12-10-2020, 03:17 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by strohw View Post
Originally Posted by hubbahubba View Post
I was in construction management most of my adult life. Wifey and I opened a restaurant almost 6 years ago, and on December 28 we will be opening a virtual kitchen of a different concept. Actually at least 5 concepts... Virtual kitchens have no dine in, only pick up and delivery through delivery apps, so low overhead. Doing this we can put as many concepts on apps as we wish, and keep only 4-6 employees for all. 5 year goal- fine tune 1 kitchen, then replicate throughout the Western US.
These were presented during one of our meetings a few months ago. It's interesting as you can have 20+ kitchens with 1 pickup store front operating out of the same building. They also implied that the person at the front desk isn't even directly employed by any of the kitchens.
Yes it is a cool concept. Instead of tying up hundreds of thousands of dollars in TI's, we are opening for basically the cost of kitchen equipment. The space we are in has 34 other similar kitchens in it, roughly a 20'x10' space. There is a processing hub where delivery drivers go to pick up. We basically make the meals when ordered, press done to alert the processing center, and set the packaged meals on a shelf outside our kitchen for a runner to come pick up. It's really pretty slick.
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