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      02-10-2021, 12:01 PM   #19
Broke A$$ Super Hero
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Originally Posted by erickonphoenix View Post
Good info in here. I'm definitely going to buy a property.

Financially the best decision is to keep the country house I own outright and just eat the commute. But as I get older I value my time more and spending three hours a day sitting in traffic in a car has become more of a pain point. After some considerable thought, I think I'll liquidate the country property and use those funds to get something closer to work. I know essentially I'm trading cash flow for having three more hours a day but maybe when I retire I can sell the in town property and get something rural again.

It was a good run out there but I sense it's just not a practical asset anymore.
Congrats. Glad you were able to come up with something that will benefit you mentally & financially in the long run. Happy house hunting!
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