Originally Posted by slubu
So I've been somewhat seeing this girl for the past month or so and now she wants to "become exclusive" or whatever....basically asked to be my girflriend. Here is the problem however. Since our first meeting, she's put on about 15lbs. WTF? I've seen this girl thin which is what hurts so badly...she's probably an 8.5 normal weight, now she's like a 6.5. She's awesome otherwise, cooks for me, very nice, great in bed, etc...
Question is..what do I do about this situation? I don't have the heart to outright tell her to lose the weight, and otherwise I can't really date her seriously.

how old are you? she sounds like a nice girl to me, a wife material i'd say..but u know her better..if u're not serious with her bcoz of her weight, then better not continue with the relationship but find a good excuse to get urself out of it..if i were u, i'll say that i just wanna be close friends first or i'm too young for a relationship
or....if you're really serious and want things to go on, ask her out to the gym and work out together..or take long walks in the park, beach, etc.
dont mention the weight in anyway though coz its gonna hurt her deeply!
i hope this helps